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Desktop Training Ubuntu Codecs for Multimedia

Codecs for Multimedia

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Codecs for Multimedia

You also have a wide choice of multimedia options. By installing packages like mplayer, Totem, and Helix, you'll be set to play mp3's, Windows Media, and RealPlayer-type multimedia files. You'll also be able to play the newer, open-sourced format files.

With Ubuntu, you can use Rythmbox to listen to music in several ways. You can either listen on-line, listen to downloaded mp3's, or pop in a CD.


Let's say that you want to listen to a radio play from Imagination Theater. . .

. . .but your computer doesn't have the codec that's required to play their files. Ubuntu can search its repositories for the required codec.

If you click on the Yes button, Ubuntu will lead you through the steps to install the new codec.

We've successfully installed the codec, and our audio file is playing. (You can tell because of the visual effects we have going.)

If you visit a web site that requires Flash, you'll be given the chance to download and install the official Flash plug-in from Adobe.

Its only takes a few minutes to install.

Now, you're all set to enjoy your favorite YouTube videos. is designed to provide you with Linux Desktop Training, Applications Training and Server Training. Also included are Linux Distribution CDs, manuals and books.


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