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Desktop Apps Training arrow Dia arrow Introduction/Setup

Introduction and Setup

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Introduction and Setup of Dia

Dia is a graphical based program. It is designed not just for drawing, but also commonly used for diagramming. Dia's object based tools allow users to diagram anything from networks to electrical currents. This graphical program also allows for fast and easy use for the user because of the easy to understand tools that Dia offers. In addition, many shapes and objects can be used.


Upon startup of Dia, the user will view a Menu Bar, an array of drawing tools, an object list, color palettes, and line widths.


To prompt Dia to display the Options Menu, users may right click in the Dia diagram area. Once this menu is displayed, a user has many options and tools that he or she can utilize.

The File Menu has all of the basic functions that a user would use concerning the status of your document. New, Open, Save, Save As, Export, Page Setup, Print Diagram, Close, and Quit are all available in the File Menu.


The Edit Menu displays all of the main editing tools that most other programs would have. Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Undo, and Redo are all involved in this Menu.


In the View Menu, users may Zoom in and out, configure properties of your diagram, and enable grid view abilities.


The Selection Menu allows users to make choices about the current selection. For example a user may select everything so that they can move it all at once. Or maybe they would want to invert the current selection that they are working with in their Dia diagram.


The Objects Menu under the Option Menu has several choices concerning the objects that have been selected in the Dia diagram. From this menu users may send a selected object to the back of the diagram or move it to the front.


Also users can group and ungroup. This option can be used if there are two or more objects selected and the desire is for Dia to consolidate the these into one object. The objects may also be aligned equally.

Under the Tools Menu displays all of the tools that are included on the Drawing Toolbar of the Dia startup window. All of the functions work in the same way.


The Dialog Menu allows users to view the properties of the selected objects and also create layers for different diagrams.


