Nagios: Adding a Service on Ubuntu 8.10

by Mike on November 28, 2008 · 3 comments

in Nagios

Adding a Public Service Check
This lab will help you understand how to add public service checks for remote servers.

Step #1: Add a Host
An easy way to start setting up hosts is to choose a web server to monitor.
You will need to edit /etc/nagios3/Define your host, give it a host name and an alias, be sure to have the correct IP Address.  Use the check_http command which will monitor your web server on port 80 tcp.  This is a much easier way to monitor a web server using icmp because you have to modify so many firewalls to allow icmp.

define host{
use                             generic-host
host_name                       web
alias                           Web Server
check_command                   check_http
max_check_attempts              10
notification_interval           120
notification_period             24×7
notification_options            d,u,r
contact_groups                  admins

Step #2: Add Host to a Service

Edit the /etc/nagios3/conf.d/generic-service_nagios2.cfg.  If you are using the same service you can just add the second host to the host_name line.  This will make it very easy to add a number of hosts to modify.  Note two host names listed.

define service{
use     generic-service
host_name       web,nagios
service_description     HTTP
check_command   check_http

Step #3: Check Configuration and Restart
You will want to run this command to check your pre-flight check to verify you do not have typos or other errors.

nagios -v /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg

This should result in no errors and no warnings before you proceed.

Now restart nagios and the web server for nagios.

/etc/init.d/nagios3 restart
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

You can now repeat this process to add public service options.

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