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Advertise Your Linux Product

If you have a Linux related product that you would like to advertise we have a great option for you. You can get 50,000 impressions to Linux users for only $100.00.

Ad Cost
Each 125x125 will be run 50,000 times and be placed in the margin on the right of each page for easy viewing. You will be sent a weekly update of banner clicks and views. We do not have, nor do we anticipate, putting together a complex banner program with logins, etc.

Cost per 50,000 = $100.00


Ad Requirements
Ads must be 75 KB or less and be 125x125 in size. Ads must be related to a Linux product.

Banner Creation

If you need a banner created for you we can do that for $10 per banner.

Contact mike at if you have additional questions.